Palm Tree Trunks Painted White

You've noticed Palm Tree Trunks painted white? But only on the bottom. Did you consider doing that on your palms? Probably not! But if you've seen such palms, with trunks painted white, you wondered what's up with that?!

Did you feel there was something unusual about those palms? That got you started thinking. A rather puzzling sight, isn't it? Well, you're not the only one to wonder why palm tree trunks are painted white. Many do wonder why that's done & if it's necessary.

We'll set the record straight, with what we've discovered! We'll let you in on the variety of reasons it's done & more. Continue on to see it all, or Click Content to Choose the subject you want:

See the History of White Trunks>

White Trunk Paint - historical recipe>

Should you use Commercial Paint?

Why are Palm Trunks Painted White?

Steps for Painting Palm Trunks white>

Recipes to Make Your Own Trunk Paint>

Plan on Having Your Palm Tree Trunks Painted White?

Don't Miss These Essential Tips>

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Why are Palm Tree Trunks Painted White?

So, why are palm tree trunks painted white? We've discovered four reasons. But overall this practice is mainly for protective purposes. In one way or another.

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You'll often see this type of palm trunk "decor" on palms in tropical landscapes of Mexico, Greece, Brazil, Vietnam, or China, for instance. We noticed plenty of them all around touristy areas of Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.

White Paint at the bottom of the Trunk of a PalmWhat Problems Cause People to Paint a Palm Tree White?

To Obstruct Insects From Attacking Palms

White tree trunk paint can be a hurdle for insects that attack palms. Some bugs also carry disease. Whether as a method of young tree protection or defending a large tree. 

Pesky beetle larvae can cause fatal damage to palms. One of the worst is the Palmetto Weevil (Rhynchophorus cruentatus). If insect infestations begin, many palms could have their life threatened by fungal diseases.

  • Mature Palmetto Weevil females lay eggs in leaf bases. Hatching as larva or grubs.
  • They start boring into palm trunks to feed, causing further damage.
  • As they grow they get hungrier, & like to get at the palm heart (meristem), or growing point. When they damage this, the palm dies.

Its genera "cousin" palmarum species (South American Palm Weevil) begins similar damage. But it's more dangerous for introducing another Palm Tree Problem. It's a carrier of the nematode that causes an introduction of disease: red ring. It's often fatal, especially to Coconut Palms

Another, called The Giant Palm Borer (Dinapate wrightii) isn't necessarily fatal. It attacks palms suited to arid areas. Its tiny tunnels can weaken palms. Like the Washingtonia filifera.

Protection From the Extremes of Weather

When you're out in the summer sun do you Apply Sunscreen? So harmful UVB sun damage can't get to your skin.

Painting tree trunks of palms is used as sunscreen. Preventing sun scald damage to trunks. Especially in tropical or desert climates where sun rays are very strong.

Did you realize that trees can get sunburned? According to Ornamental Palm Horticulture, overly hot, dry conditions affect some palm species. New leaves sprouting will have abnormal yellow coloring. Or even brownish black - the mark of frond death!

White bright paint reflects sunlight. Giving palms some sunscald protection.

Sun Hitting Beach Palms With White TrunksThe Hot Sun is Being Reflected Away

Then there's the opposite end of the climate spectrum. In winter months, temperatures can suddenly dip to freezing. Even in tropical or desert climates. Most don't tolerate this very well. So they can suffer Difficulty With Cold Damage. Symptoms may not even appear for several years!

The white paint acts as a Kind of Winter Coat. Since cold air sinks, the trunk is quite vulnerable.

For the Public's Driving Safety

Think of night time driving on an unfamiliar roadway, when on A Tropical Vacation. Often palms will line the street. Light color paint on palms contrasts with darker tones, making them more visible.

A simple method to help you have a save drive. Especially along winding narrow roads. The white paint makes them more visible when headlights shine on them. Notably during the dark of night.

So, it's the safety feature of accident prevention. Another reason for painting a palm tree trunk white.

For Attractive Artful Landscaping Appeal

We've shown you practical preventative types of reasons for having palm tree trunks painted white.

Some people, though, like the cosmetic, manicured appearance of a group of palms with white lower trunks. It appeals to those loving that polished uniform look. And then when palms are amidst a variety of tropical plants, the white trunks make a stunning change against lush greenery.

Not every Tropical Climate Area, will have palm tree trunks painted white. If you see this palm landscaping style during your travels, it's likely a natural intention of local culture.

It's probably not for everyone though! Would you ever want to have your own palm tree trunks painted white?

A Historical Perspective on White Palm Trunks

The practice of having palm tree trunks painted white truly isn't new. When researching established historical gardening & horticultural approaches, you'd find these protective strategies. Discovering that Painting Trunks White Has Been Used for many years. Even as far back as ancient Rome.

Painting tree trunks of palms with white paint originally began with fruit trees. For protection. To keep harmful insects away from valuable fruits.

Over time it's become a tradition, for multiple reasons. As we've seen. But mostly in the realm of protection.

Farmers looked for ways to shield their trees from leafcutter ants and other pests. They'd cause growers financial pain! Whitewash was the historic solution used for having palm tree trunks painted white. Typically this kind of paint was homemade.

Then it began including palms, too. Many are valuable sources of useful items throughout the world, including for all Their Fruit Uses.

When people began Growing Their Own Palms, they heard of this practice of palm trees painted white. And some decided to try the same technique. Using white paint or whitewash for "bug prevention."

So it's been around through many years of history, and used in many countries.

How to Paint Palm Tree Trunks White

Has this information convinced you that it's a good idea to paint the trunks your palm trees? It's relatively easy to do, and doesn't cost much money. But is it desirable?

There are several methods to use.

Palm Trunks Painted With Whitewash as in History

Whitewash was a mixture of water, lime, and copper sulfate. It's also been called limewash. Some people added other ingredients like Pine Rosin, salt, Milk Proteins (called Casein), Molasses & various oils. For palms today, some of these additives may not be a good idea. Mixing in Neem Oil or casein seems to be the best exceptions for palms, though.

You can Purchase Whitewash Ready-Made. But if you want to make your own, you can use whitewash recipes. Be cautious when dealing with lime, because of its corrosive properties. Be sure to read all ingredient labels.

The problem with limed whitewash is that as rains come, the solution can dissolve off the trunk & leach into the ground. Lime raises soil pH. The best pH for palms is between 6.0 & 6.8, which is slightly acidic. Lime pH is 12.4, very alkalotic. Not at all be healthy for palms! The more alkalotic soil becomes, the less palms can absorb needed nutrients.

Do you Know the pH of Your Soil?

pH scale with examples

Recipes to Make Your Own Whitewash

RECOMMENDED BY the Oregon State Extension as tree-safe, as provided by R. Lieber at Blount County Master Gardeners. But safe for palms? Maybe not.

Ingredients: Ten Pounds of Hydrated Lime, 3 gallons (11.4L) of water, three pounds (1.4 kg) of Table Salt. Plus a Large Bucket to hold the whitewash.

Pour water into the bucket. Mix in salt, stir until dissolved. Slowly & carefully add the lime, mixing until it dissolves. Your whitewash is complete, but be sure it's a slurry-like consistency or you may have to add more of an ingredient.

Since most palms are sensitive to salt, we have another recipe option for you...

Using a Commercial Preparation of Trunk Paint

Several paint mixture concoctions are sold or suggested for having your palm tree trunks painted white. We'll evaluate some.

Real Milk Paint Company has Palm Options

Available as a powder to mix yourself. Made from powdered milk. When you follow their instructions you'll have a blend that can readily stick to the trunk. Some benefits:

  • No odor, isn't environmentally harmful & is safe for painting tree trunks.
  • It's longer-lasting, so regular reapplications aren't needed. Still, durability depends on your climate.
  • One kind of paint formulations has UV resistance for sun protection.

The company says the solution you prepare will enable air to pass through minute pores, so the palm trunk can "breathe." Keeping it healthy, while still offering palm tree's bark protection.

Milk Products for Palm Tree Paints

IV Organics White Wash is patented for use as a Palm Tree guard. It contains  Diatomaceous Earth.

  • The Blue-Labeled Product doesn't have oils or other eco-unfriendly chemicals. Thickness can be adjusted. It's said to be safe for ornamentals trees, like palms.
  • The Yellow-Labeled Product contains Cinnamon, Clove, Garlic, Castor, Spearmint, Rosemary & Peppermint oils. The white color is certified by OMRI for organic gardening. It also says it's safe for ornamentals.

General Finishes has water based milk paint. There are some drawbacks to this brand.

Whiten Palm Trunks Bottoms With Latex Paint?

white latex paint with brushes and rags on a worktableAre Palm Tree Trunks Painted White With Latex Paint a Good Idea?

Sometimes Regular Water Based House Paint is recommended for having your palm tree trunks painted white. There's a problem with Using Latex Paint because it likely contains harmful additives. Be sure to use water-based, not oil-based.

A first coat of white latex paint from the can is probably not the best method for palms. Instead, if you use it, dilute one gallon of paint with 4 or 5 quarts of water.

A Cornell University study by David Kain & Art Agnello to determine the effectiveness of tree trunk painting found a half/half proportion of water to paint didn't deter borer insects. When switching to the full strength application, it was "effective and long lasting."

So Water-Based Exterior Paint is the recommended choice.

Important Tips for Painting Your Palm Trunk White

It's best to use whitewash during the time of day when the sun isn't strong. If the heat of the day hits your palm while whitewashing, it may cause burns.

Keep in mind that reapplication will be needed every so often. Even more often if using whitewash.

Ensure your palm trunk is clean for good adhesion. That there's no dirt, moss, etc. If you feel it can use cleaning, lightly scrub the trunk surface with a water-soaked soft brush.

Don't paint your palm tree trunks white when there's rainy weather, or with excessive humidity in the air. Try to aim for your climate's dry spells. So that the whitewash or paint can dry quickly enough.

  • For instance, I know in Arizona's Sonoran Desert, where we live, June is typically the driest month.
  • That's when we'd plan to do it in early morning or possibly at dusk.

Palm Tree Trunks Painted White - The Takeaways

The next time you see palm tree trunks painted white, you'll know what's going on. Did we satisfy your curiosity? Now you'll have an interesting tidbit to share in a trivia match, or when planning your next tropical travel adventure.

The practice of painting palm tree trunks white is from tradition, plant health practicality, and landscaping appearance. But will you do the same? Hmmm!

And remember the wrong product will do more harm than good!

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