Advertising Disclosure

Per Our Affiliate Agreements

We're Karen and Bill - and we want to be crystal clear about our role in affiliate marketing here.

Indeed, our all-encompassing goal is to be the most helpful, informative internet marketers that we can possibly be - and the best available for your needs in experiencing everything about the passions for palm trees. That is why we make free content and downloads available on

We're providing this Affiliate and Advertising disclosure to be in compliance and provide transparency for visitors of This website is our personal site. [For more on who we are - See our About Us Page.]

Our main purpose is to provide you with great information about appreciating and enjoying palm trees in whatever form that may take.

Additionally our website accepts advertising and receives other forms of compensation.


We love living in our state of Arizona, in a climate where palm trees grow. Because of our passion for palm trees, we like to recommend to others relevant products which we have tried and found to be excellent. These are from companies we have personally bought from and trust in terms of their high quality products, cost-effective pricing, efficiency and personal service.

Those that we haven’t specifically used are carefully investigated, researched and vetted, possibly tested, so we can believe in them to ensure a high quality experience for visitors to our website. We hope our visitors will enjoy the same types of relevant products that we have used, or that we find to recommend for them.

Some of these companies have an "affiliate plan" of which we are a member. This means that when we recommend a product and provide a link to buy it, or sometimes even investigate its details, we receive a small commission whenever someone clicks through to the supplier and buys, or even sometimes just observes the information.

Although not all links on this website are affiliate links, you should assume that all links that leave this website and take you to another website are affiliate links - if they immediately get to a way to purchase a product. You should expect that we will likely earn a commission if you follow links from our site and make a purchase.

But importantly, this does not involve any additional cost to you, the customer, our website visitor.

Not every business we recommend, speak about, or buy from ourselves has an affiliate plan. Some products or businesses we recommend or sell products from, we may not make money from. We simply recommend them because they're of good quality and have a fit for our website purpose.

We have our "Affiliate Disclaimer" statement on many of our pages, as many have at least some of our affiliate links for recommended products. The Affiliate Disclaimer is there to be transparent for the fact that we use Affiliate marketing to provide income to fund the needs of maintaining this website. An alternate method is showing the word "Ad" at the link, to ensure it's an Affiliate Link.

We want to make sure it is clear that this website is indeed a for-profit venture and we want you to know exactly how income is generated from this website and why.

More Recommendation Reasons

We have traveled throughout many tropical areas. We may provide links to, or some info on such subjects if they relate to the subject matter of

Some of the companies with paid links may include travel companies which we believe provide great experiences. We offer this because we love to travel - and getting to varied areas with palm tree experiences may include travel for you as well. We believe they may help find deals on something for your upcoming trip. is one example, as we use this source for all of our own travel - for anywhere we go. In fact the more you use it, the more you save! There are many benefits to using the travel pages of - we use it all the time.

That is just one of the ways we provide additional options, so you can have fun but also save a little money in the process.

Another thing to note:

We Do Not Sell Anyone's Personal Information From This Website

Where Does the Money Earned Go?

The money from affiliate sales helps us to keep the content information on this website free to visitors to the site. The earned funds are first used to pay for the upfront costs of maintaining this website.

We also donate a portion of earnings to some Non-profit Organizations which have a special meaning for us, especially as citizens concerned with our community, state, international and environmental needs. They include:

  • International Palm Society
  • Friends of the San Pedro River
  • Hawaii Island Palm Society
  • Local First Arizona
  • Occasionally others that support our Palm Tree related concerns


From time to time, we inform our newsletter readers about purchase offers within our website. We may on occasion recommend to our newsletter readers certain products, activities, or places to go, related to affiliate promotions or agreements. We do this because of the value, our own experience, and/or our belief in the quality of the offer.

We use MailerLite as our email marketing automation platform. We also use Grow, as a system for marketing to collect emails of those interested in our site and subscribing to our newsletter. And we also Publish On Substack.

By using any sign-up order forms, the person is acknowledging that the information provided will be used for processing in accordance with the Privacy Policy and terms of use:


Companies with which We have an Affiliate Arrangement are as follows:

  • Google Ad-sense
  • Get Your Guide
  • Solo Build It

Amazon Statement

Special Statement About Amazon Products:

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

We love to read!

We really love reading about palm tree related developments & subjects. For instance, palm tree groves, botanical gardens with tropical plants, palm tree identification help, recreation areas where palm trees are native, historical information, odd quirks, and other related informational books about palm trees.

So we purchase many of our palm tree related books from Amazon.

We're always able to find what we want on their site, for reasonable prices. Plus excellent delivery options and very good customer service. So we recommend them because we enjoy buying a great many items related palm trees from them also.

You Pay the Same at Mission: Palm Trees

Remember - Pricing is the Same

All of the products recommended on are also the same prices as if you were to find them on your own.

They are not priced higher in order for us to get a commission. If you make a purchase, you pay the same, either way.

Google Ads

"Ads by Google" are not selected by us. We are a Google ad affiliate, by using Google AdSense, to allow placement by them of a variety of ads on our website.

If you see a Google ad and a Web page or boxed alternative ad about the same product or service, the Google ad placement there is a coincidence. Please remember that the ads you see featured by "Google AdSense" are not selected by us.

Your Support is Appreciated

The compensation earned from this site does not influence the information provided within this site.

We've lived in the southwestern U.S., for many years. Therefore we know quite a bit about the wonderful things to do, and wonderful areas to visit. Including places with gorgeous palm tree opportunities. We also want to ensure you have helpful, good and correct information at your fingertips.

Our goal is to provide you with quick and easy access to great information and related details about palm trees. Whether it is compensation based or not. We always provide honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences. We consistently do authentic research to help ensure the information provided is as accurate as possible. If we find an error, or someone visiting our site notices an error, we always respond by making any corrections necessary, asap. Since we want to ensure you enjoy our website experience and continue to come back for additional information and recommendations.

We appreciate your consideration of any of our suggestions. We enjoy creating this website for you - which does take some time and effort to deliver original content, free, to you.

Finally, We Conclude...

We send you much appreciation for your support - any that you give. Whether it's just browsing and reading our webpages, viewing some of the ads, sharing/liking us on Social Media, or actually making purchases.

Our integrity, our website, the products that ÒMission: Palm Trees features for sale, and above all, your satisfaction are very important to us. If you have any questions or comments about this disclosure or about any of the products on this website, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us on our Contact Form>

Thank you very much!

Karen and Bill

Updated June 10, 2024

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