Parts of a Palm Tree

Have you ever thought about a palm's physique?! Well, palm trees have a "bod" too! The parts of a palm tree make up its form, or structure. It's good to know about that. To see what a unique plant a palm tree is.

Knowing the parts of a palm tree is also nice, so when reading descriptions, we can understand words being used. Many specialized words are in this palm tree world! Getting familiar with them helps us be a part of it!

We're here to break it down to basics. Getting that easy-peasy assimilation, just scroll down to learn it all!

Or let's go to specifics...

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Common Words for Parts of a Palm Tree


Juice up your vocabulary ears, cuz we have some words for you to know. Essential words if you're shopping for palms, want to be knowledgeable when visiting Palm Groves or when talking with landscapers. Or wandering through tropical areas of Botanical Gardens. Or speaking with Palm aficionados.


  • For palm trees, it's the type that branch out at the base to grow several trunks.


  • Palm tree types that have one trunk only.


  • Where a palm tree has originally come from, in a limited specific area. Similar words are native or indigenous.


  • A palm leaf.


  • The branching stalks or stems that develop palm tree flowers.


  • Flowers make fruit. When they do that, the branches with fruit now have this term.


  1. This part of a palm tree is named for looking somewhat like a hand's palm & fingers.


  • Type of palm tree frond. Feathery look to it. Leaflets grow out along a center stem.


  • The stem of the palm frond. It goes from the node, at its attachment to the trunk out to where blades begin. The petiole becomes the costa in costapalmate fronds & the rachis in pinnate fronds. 


  • A sharp prong, you probably figured this one! Growing from fronds, stems, trunks or branches.
  1. If there aren't any, it's an unarmed palm.

Higher End Palm Vocabulary

You'll hear these less common palm tree parts terms when doing more serious research.

Good to know when reading about palms. In serious palm tree books or encyclopedic types of palm tree websites.


  • A new frond starting to grow out.


  • Leaflets or segments folding upward appearing "V" shaped.


  • Leaflets or segments that look like an upside-down "V" or folding downward.


  1. Their flowers have three sections. 
  2. Leaf veins form in lines.
  3. Their nourishment system is in scattered cell bundles. 


  • The spot where a leaf attaches to the trunk.


  • Beginning at the end of petioles, a continuation of frond stem in pinnate palms. 


Then each part of a palm tree gets even more specific. So diving in, you'll see each part has its own sub-terms. You'll see more definitions/explanations as we move along.

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Palm Trees are Grass?

palm islandDo You See An Island of Very Tall Grasses Here?


Some ask: are palm trees grass? Does that sound a bit weird? Sort-of, but in a way - not so much!

Palms aren't your typical trees. They have more in common with grass...

  • For some parts of palm trees
  • How they're put together
  • And the way they grow 

Not only that, their workings are also similar to corn stalks & rice plants. Much more-so than with a typical tree.

Are Palm Trees Just Tall Grass?

Palm trees are related to grass. How? Taxonomy explains the relationship. For seeing how the plant kingdom is organized that makes palms related to grass.


The Plant Kingdom begins going from 1 - Divisions or Phylum, 2 - Class, 3 - Order, 4 - Family, 5 - Genus, 6 - Species.

Palms & grasses are both in the same Phylum, Class & supraorder. That's like distant cousins. The chart tells the story. To understand more, we can look inside, for the palm tree parts.

Taxonomic Rank comparing palm trees to grass


  • FORMING A SCIENTIFIC NAME: It's called the Binomial, having two parts. Written in italics, or if need-be, underlined. 
  1. First Part is the Genus, charted below Family. Always capitalized.
  2. Second comes the species, also called the epithet. It's not capitalized. 
  • Many also have regular, common names, easy for people to use.

Inside a Palm Tree


A palm tree trunk's "guts" are very different from usual trees, like oaks, pines or maples. Those trees have two internal systems to get food & water where they're needed. Kind of like blood vessels. Palms don't have this kind of network.

Instead there are little separate bundled parts of the palm tree scattered through the trunks and stems.

Palm Tree nourishment Comparison to Oak TreeDiffering Systemic Nourishment Systems


Because of this set-up, palms lack some traits:

  • There's no secondary growth. Growth can't continue expanding all through their life. All stems (trunks) stay at the width they first grow to, and can't normally grow outward any further.
  • The original little nourishment packs aren't replaceable. They don't multiply within the palm tree. Once the palm grows to its tallest, no more are supplied.


  • Successful life & growth must depend on the trunk's palm heart for continued healthy ability to continue on.
  • If injuries happen to the mainstem heart, it can't be repaired. 
  1. That eventuality is death.

Parts of a Palm Tree Roots


A Planted Palm Tree Seed ejects a starter root.

Soon replaced by roots from the newly growing stem, that come out as wide as they'll ever get. Because permanent parts of a palm tree don't grow more than their maximum set point. But they can spread outward widely.


Root design is kind of different from parts of a palm tree that's from its base & up. The innards have layers which help get food supplies inward & upward. The nourishment bundles have connecting strands to the palm's trunk. Many roots can regrow when cut/damaged if transplanted.

Trunk of a Palm Tree


A baby palm tree coming up from a seed begins with overlapping fronds making a protective cover over the palm tree heart. Palms spend the first few years growing to the thickest width, before it grows further upward. That's the first growing step. The palm tree's most unstable time.


As it grows, an outer hard, thick layer for support forms. Some compare this layer's strength to rebar in concrete.

But not a comparison to bark of a deciduous tree!


Trunks (or stems) can be solitary or clumping. Some in rain forests even grow into the canopy as vines. Others grow offshoots at the trunk's base, called suckers, which help them spread.

Some shed dead leaves, doing housekeeping of their own! They can leave scars which show as circular rings around the trunk. Or they can make an interesting surface pattern.

Others hang onto these dead fronds. Just can't let them go!

untrimmed palm trees have dead leaves all along their trunksThese Palms Just Love Holding Onto All Their Expired Palm Fronds!
Hoarding Them??

Many have swelling lumpiness somewhere along the length of the trunk of the palm tree. Some have spines.


The trunk's coloring can be gray or brown, less often green.

Palm Tree Fronds


Palm Tree Fronds are the leaves of the palm tree. They're quite a noticeable part of a palm tree, for sure! Wouldn't you say?

Helpful for palm tree identification. Plus famed as the largest leaves in the plant kingdom.


Here are some terms for Leaf Parts of a Palm tree:

Three Main Frond Parts:

  • LEAF BASE - Also called the leaf sheath
  • PETIOLE - Connector for the leaf base to the blade, it's the leaf stem.
  • BLADE - All the leaflets or segments attached to the stem, also called lamina.

Palmate Words:

  • SEGMENTS - Portions of the blade, often split at the end
  • HASTULA - Small semi-circular ridge where the petiole attaches to the blade of fan palms

Pinnate Words:

  • CROWN SHAFT - Collar bulge of leaf bases arranged around the trunk (stem)
  • RHACHIS - Continuation of the leaf stem with leaflets attached


First thing to do for figuring out which palm tree you're looking at is to see if they're pinnate or palmate.

  • Does each palm frond have a feathery look, with multiple leaflets off the rhachis? It's pinnate. 
  1. Are the fronds reduplicate? Helps to confirm pinnate.
  • Or does each frond have segments coming out of the petiole, which is then attached to the trunk? It's palmate. 
  1. Are the fronds induplicate? Helps in confirmation.


The Palmate has a subdivision.

  • Costapalmate - Has fronds with a rib-like outgrowth of the petiole (remember: the stem) into the leaf blade.

Pinnates Have Subdivisions

  • Pinnately Compound - Has the row of leaflets on the one rachis. No matter how many or few, or the arrangement.
  • Bipinnate or Bipinnately Compound - Leaflets along the rachis extend out into further leaflets. 
  1. Only found in Caryoteae, a "tribe" in the subfamily Arecoideae.

Palm Tree Flowers

Palm tree flowers wouldn't be noticeable on their own, as they're very small and not bold looking. What makes them flashy is how they appear on long flower stems - the inflorescence.


Most often the inflorescences have multiple branches and are long. Though not always.

  • Starts with a specialized bract (modified leaf below the flower) called a spadix or spathe. 
  1. Wood-like, it grows boat-shaped, covering the growing inflorescence. 
  2. Finally the inflorescence outgrows the spathe covering.
palm tree bractsSpathe - The Special Bract for Inflorescence


  • Inflorescences normally grow from below the crownshaft. But if no crownshaft, they may be somewhat hidden amidst palm fronds. 
  • A few have unique features:
  1. Growing from stem tips, and only flower once
  2. Some species' bracts remain through fruiting

Sexuality of Palm Tree Flowers


Do palms have a love-life?! It's their own version. It may be as complicated, or even more-so than the human version!!

Most palm trees get insects involved in their sex relations. Helping to pollinate the flowers. Aiding transfer of male stamen's pollen to the female's stigma at the pistil.


What types of palm flower sex identities are there?

Monoecious or Pistillate - One palm plant with flowers of either arrangement:

  • Bisexual Flowers - They have procreation parts of the palm tree flowers that include both male & female genders. In other words, a flower with both male & female flower-type reproductive "organs." Botanically they're termed "perfect."
  • Cohabiting Genders - These are male & female flowers living, intermingling alongside on the same inflorescence. Sometimes they grow separately by gender, each on an inflorescence on the same palm tree.

Strictly Separating - Termed dioecious.

  • These flowers stay to their own palm tree according to gender. Some species are male, and some are female.


Palm Fruits & Identification

The so-small flowers generate much larger Palm Fruits. Many are brightly colored.

Some are so large they're renowned parts of the palm tree world. Like the double coconut, containing the largest plant seed on earth!

Palm fruits are often called nuts (think of the coconut). Others are types of berries. Occasionally some call them Palm Tree Pods.

Most of them are classed as drupes. Meaning it has one seed, but when ripe, the skin doesn't split to release it. Think of a date fruit.

coconuts growing in the palm treeCoconuts Growing on the Cocos nucifera Palm


Palm fruit skin is usually smooth. But some can be hairy, prickly or covered with scales or wart-like bumps.

Identifying palm tree fruit helps with also identifying the species of palm tree. And vice-versa. But fruit is not always there, so it's best to begin with identifying the palm tree. And that begins by knowing the basic parts of a palm tree we went over here.

Palm tree identification knowledge takes some time. But you certainly can start with the essentials - knowing how to differentiate the parts of a palm tree!

Takeaways for Parts of a Palm Tree

Did this help you get the lingo for parts of a palm tree? We hope so. There are even more detailed parts of palms, including lots more technical language.

Knowing the most important parts, along with associated terms helps everyone get along better in the palm world!

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