Where Do Palm Trees Grow?
In All the World

Where do palm trees grow? Were you wondering about that?


We live in the desert city of Tucson Arizona. Which is more well-known for the giant saguaro cactus. Not so much for species of palm trees. Yet, different palm tree types do grow here. A common sight!

We'll take you on a virtual trip to let you see all the places where palm trees do grow.

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All The Places Where Palm Trees Grow

Palms grow on properties in TucsonWashingtonia Assortment near 1st & River, Tucson

Of course there are other areas where palm tree species do grow! Besides the desert.

Some wonder Can Palms Grow Anywhere? Palms Grow Many Places, throughout the climates of the earth. The only place you won't see outdoor palms is in arctic climates.

A common question we get is: Where Palms Can Grow in the U.S.? Or even in the entire diversity Of North America.

Others have wanted to know Everywhere That Palms Do Grow. Or Where Do Palm Trees Grow In South America?

Native palms grow in many places where it's suitable. See Where Those Palm Trees Grow in their original homes.

If you don't live in the desert or a tropic-like zone, you may find There Are Palms That Work for you!

Where Do Palm Trees Grow in North America?

From Southern Canada, south through Mexico you'd discover assorted palms. Let's focus on various areas.

What US States Have Palm Trees Growing?

Maybe more places than you've realized! Those you haven't connected with warm climates, which are the best places for palms to easily & happily grow. The United States has multiple USDA Zones. From fully tropical to quite cold.

Let's see where in the United States, palms can grow.

Tucson view of Palm tree & Saguaro cactusView Overlooking Tucson From Over the Wall in Our Backyard
With Several Palm Trees, Getting Along Fine With Saguaro Cactus

Southern U.S. States Where Palm Trees Grow

In the United States, species of palms grow throughout the South. With that vibe giving you some Top Tropical Places to Travel. Most southern states are in subtropical regions per USDA zones.

Except, these are both in the fully tropical zone:

  • Southern Florida, including the Florida Keys. Where the Needle Palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) is favored in USDA Zone 10a. But it's also cold-hardy!
  • Hawaii, with its own endemic palm tree: Loulu Palm. 24 species of its genus Pritchardia are amidst eight different Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii's only native palm. But plenty of other different types of palm trees grow there.

The South of California has many types of tropical palms. Like the iconic Southern California's Tallest Palm Trees of Los Angeles, the Washingtonia robusta species.

California's only native palm is Washingtonia filifera, the California Fan Palm. Nicknamed for its fan-shaped fronds. A perfect choice for dryer climates.

  • You'll find palms in southern U.S. states. Like South Carolina, Georgia & Florida. 
  • Also Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, & Texas
  • Some palm species are in Arizona & New Mexico. Even Arkansas & Oklahoma.


Palms are surprisingly found in many other U.S. states, which aren't typically connected to tropical plants. Which states? Well, There's North Carolina. Plus states with colder temperatures during winter months, where cold-hardy palms can grow.

And others you'll find at Palms in U.S. States>


New Orleans building with palms around the grounds.French Quarter Palms in New Orleans
Walkways with palms growing in San Francisco's Golden Gate ParkPalms in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park

Where Does Canada Have Palm Trees Growing?

You'll see Palm Trees in Canada if you visit the Vancouver area in Western Canada. That's in the province of British Columbia. The first time we traveled there, we were amazed to see palms growing!

With the influence of coastal waters, freezing temperature are uncommon. Cold-hardy palms, like the Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei), do best there.

Horseshoe Bay HarborIs it Hawaii? No! It's Horseshoe Bay Harbor NW of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada!

Where Do Palm Trees Grow in More N. American Places

Mexico has many palms in their warm climates. Growing from deserts to tropical rain forests.

The Mexican Fan Palm is well known where we live. It's native to Baja California & the state of Sonora.

Resort in Cozumel MexicoViewing Palms Overlooking the Channel to Mainland Mexico. Taken From Our Hotel Window at Cozumel.
Just Before We Were Evacuated With Hurricane Wilma on the Way!

The Caribbean has different types of palm trees native to their locale. All the many islands easily support magnificent palms.

Beachside with palms in CubaPalms Overlooking a Beach in Cuba

Central America, with its lush tropics, also has tons of different palm species.

Lush palm tree forests in Costa Rico with a volcano backdrop.Tropical Jungle of Palms in Costa Rica, with the Arenal Volcano Backdrop.

South America has Many Native Palm Trees Growing

Native palm species grow throughout tropical and subtropical sections of all South American countries. Extensively in tropical rainforests and rainy coastal areas.

Think about the Amazon River Basin, with tons of palms. And Brazil with its variety of palm capable climates.

When you think of the countries in this Southern Hemisphere continent, every one has many palm tree varieties. Particularly in coastal areas & where they're nearest the equator. Colombia has the Tallest Palm in the Entire World.

Palms in South America grow from the northernmost point & south. Down to about Las Grutas Argentina on the Atlantic Side. On the Pacific, down to Puerto Montt, Chile.

When you look to the southernmost climates of South America, you're getting into temperate zones. Where you may find a few, especially cold-hardy species. You'd have to ask around about where do palm trees grow there!

Where Else in the World Do Palm Trees Grow?

Grove of palm trees.Palm Tree Groves Like These Don't Exist Just Anywhere!

Many Palms are Native throughout the earth. So many tropical plants grow in unexpected places. Some species of palm trees can tolerate cold weather for a little while.

Europe's Native Palm - Where & How Does It Grow?

One species is the only palm native to some areas of Europe. That's the European Fan Palm, also called the Mediterranean Fan Palm. Its origins are Mediterranean islands & coastal areas. Because their lowest temps don't typically get too low.

But many people in European countries are successfully growing cold-hardy palms.

Australia has Lots of Native & Imported Palm Trees Growing

This Down Under continent/country has many varieties of palm trees. With imported species brought in, as well. They're usually found in coastal areas. Most are in tropical areas which receive more rain.

Drought-resistant species grow in arid areas. Temperate regions of the south also have different species of cold hardy palms.

Berry Springs Park trail with palm treeA Naturally Growing Palm Along Our Trail Trek
In Berry Springs Recreation Reserve, Northern Territory

Palm Trees Growing in the Middle East

Well known for centuries in the Middle East, the Date Palm has been very valuable. The people of the area respect it, for it's Historic Meaning.

As an arid area, other drought tolerant, full sun loving species of palms grow there. One unusual place for palms, is This Island in Dubai. Kinda wild! 😮

Palm Types Growing in The Diverse, Large African Continent

Palms on a Lakeshore in Kenya AfricaPalms Naturally Growing on Lake Turkana Shore in Kenya, Africa

All parts of Africa have native palms. In two climates within this large continent. Palms suited to deserts, as well as tropical rainforests. And some in between!

The African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) originated in its western & central tropics. It grows best in humus-incorporated soil & prefers full sun.

Elaeis guineensis, crown of the African Oil Palm

​The Canary Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean, southwest of Morocco.

Where this original palm has long been growing there. The Canary Island Date Palm is a beautiful palm tree. Very stately with its full crown.

Loving full sun, it's fairly drought tolerant. It does well in 8b Zone deserts.

Canary Island Date Palm naturally grows in the islands off the coast of Morocco in Africa.The Canary Island Date Palm
Native to Those Islands, but Phoenix canariensis Grows Many Places

Where Southeast Asia Has the Most Palm Trees Growing

The southeastern parts of Asia has an abundance of palm species. Certainly on all the tropical & subtropical islands. Perfect climates for palms! Plus Southeastern China, where the Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) originated.

Here's a look...

The Fossil Record shows palms grew in Southeast Asia way back, 65-million years ago, in the late Cretaceous Era.

Did you ever wonder what country has the most palm trees? Any Southeast Asian countries are likely to have the highest concentration of palms in the world. We've heard Indonesia has the most.

Palms on a beach in Thailand, which has many native palm trees.Palm on the tropical Beach Shore in Thailand.

Where do Palm Trees Grow in New Zealand?

One species of palm tree is native to New Zealand. The Nīkau (Rhopalostylis sapida) is their very own unique palm. Distinctive because it natively has grown the farthest south of all palms.

Naturally cold-hardy, they don't tolerate tropical heat. A typical Mediterranean climate works well.

New Zealand has also imported other palms for successful growing.

Nikau Palms Growing in Their Endemic Area

Where do palms trees grow - The takeaways

Palms can grow in many areas throughout the earth. Most palm species grow in fully tropical climates. Many others can grow in subtropical areas. Both these climates have native palms.

Among where palm trees do grow are deserts. Because some palm trees are drought tolerant and need lots of sun.

Even so, when palms are Grown From Seed, or transplanted, they do need specific care. As they can't thrive without it.

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