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Palm Trees in Alabama - Palms to Grow There

Wondering if there are palm trees in Alabama? Because you're thinking about adding a local tropical oasis to your Alabama property?

We absolutely know Alabama does have that balmy, quality plant: palm trees! We've seen them when we've been through the state. Some say they increase property values. Let's see what palm trees grow in Alabama.

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Where Can I Find Palms Growing in Alabama?

Alabama has a varied climate.

Because certain areas like Mobile are southerly, having the temperature calming influence of coastal waters. Auburn University's Extension shows that Alabama growing zones go from 7b in the northern part of the state, to 9b near the Gulf of Mexico & coastal plains.

Alabama Planting Hardiness Zones map

You probably know that much of Alabama has mild winters, with hot, humid summers.

The thing is, if you want palm trees in Alabama to do well, choosing the right palm for the right place is fundamental. Once you're armed with your local climate's hardiness zone, there are quite a few palms suitable for you.

We'll evaluate the best palms for planting successfully in Alabama.

What are the Best Palm Trees to Grow in Alabama?

So, what are the best palm trees for Alabama?

The Cabbage Palm & the Windmill Palm immediately come to mind. Let's find your right palm for the right place.

Try an Alabama Native Plant from the Palm World

Sabal Palms for the Alabama Climate

Sabal palmetto - Nicknamed Cabbage Palm. Widely found in Alabama climates. It's not fussy about soil & grows relatively slowly to at least 60ft/18m.

  • Growth zones 8-11. Possibly 7b with proper care & protection in winter.

Dwarf Palmetto for Alabama

Sabal Minor - Another native plant in the state of Alabama.

  • Also nicknamed Bush Palmetto & Bluestem Palm. 
  • For zones 6-11, even 5b with special care in winter.
Dwarf palmetto which has fronds that look like a starburstDwarf Palmetto Grows Slowly to Max of 20ft/6m at a Botanical Garden
Very Short or Underground Trunk. Likes lots of shade & water.

Photo: Drew Avery @Flickr - CC BY 4.0

Love Your Saw Palmetto!

Serenoa repens is also called Silver Saw Palmetto.

Easily grown in southern Alabama, for Zones 8-11.

Cautiously for cold weather conditions in 7b. Give protective winter care in that zone.

Saw palmetto with stringy plant growth attachedSaw Palmetto has beautiful starburst-look fronds.
Lower water needs & does well with some shady time

Growing Windmill Palms in Your Alabama Landscape

The Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) is well-known For Cold Hardiness. Ideal for planting in north Alabama.

  • Fitting for Zones 7b-11. Even 7a is possible.
  • Maxes out at 50ft/15m tall.


Choose a Pindo Palm for Your Landscape

AKA Jelly Palm, Butia capitata grows well in humid zones from 9-11.

  • When established, it's fairly drought tolerant.
  • Grows to 35ft/10.5m maximum in mostly sunny spots.
San Francisco Botanical Garden features a Pindo PalmPindo Palm Grows in San Francisco's 10b Hardiness Zone.
This One Could Use a Little TLC!

A Washington Palm May be Suited for Your Alabama Yard

Washingtonia filifera, The Desert Palm could make your front yard have great curb appeal.

  • For Alabama's humid climate, best in 8-11.

The Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) is the well-known Tall California Palm. Native plant of arroyo springs in Mexico.

  • Grows well where we live in Tucson's Sonoran Desert. Alabama climate may be rough on it.
  • Needs space in zones 9-11.
Stand of Desert Palm TreesLow Water needs, growing to 70ft/21m tall.
Photo: Jean-Michel Dupuyoo - CC BY 4.0

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Growing Your Alabama Palm in Your Landscape

Have you chosen your your best Type of Palm, suitable for your Alabama landscape?

The next step is Planning Your Placement on your property. Consider your Alabama climate region, the palm's specific needs, and how they fit into your landscape before finalizing your decision.

  • One idea is having several along your driveway, as a border.
  • Or plant one as a front or backyard focal point. Then Surround Your Palm with other tropical plants.

The aesthetic palm plan is to enhance Your Tropical Getaway feel, while chillin' in your own backyard.

Restored Train Depot with Palms along the front  in Mobile ALGroups of Palms along the front of the restored Train Depot in Mobile AL.
Photo: Jimmy S Emerson DVM

Canary Island Date Palm on a Hillside above a neighborhood A Canary Island Date Palm for stunning landscape focus.
A sun-lover for Zones 9-11. Tallest at 90ft/27m.

Queen Palm tree in a Marine Park in FranceThe Queen Palm (Zyagrus romanzoffiana), doable in Alabama.
Best in Zones 9-11. Can get very tall (to 90ft/27m).

Photo: Michel Dupuyoo @Flickr - CC BY 4.0

Mediterranean Fan PalmEuropean Fans cluster out to 30ft/9m. Can be hedgy!
Chamaerops humilis can do Zones 8b-11.
But be aware: doesn't like rainy humid places.
Grows 20ft/6m up.

Photo: A. J. Pereira

You Could Consider This Palmy Looking Non-Palm

Cycas revoluta is called the Sago Palm.

But it's not actually a palm at all! As a Cycad it grows differently & slooowly. But is cold hardy for Zones 8-11.

Photo: Holek - CC BY 4.0

Tips for Buying Your Tropical Palm in Alabama

People always wonder about the cost of palm trees.

Growing palm trees in Alabama can be budget-sensible. Current price of a small palm starts around $15 (US). There's not one rule about pricing. Consider these points:

  • What size do you want your palm plant to be? The larger it is, the more you'll pay.
  • The palm species you've decided on may be commonly sold & will have a reasonable price. 
  1. Others are considered exotic, and not easily found. If you locate one, they'll be much higher priced.
  2. However, you can Grow a Palm From Seed. Seeds for exotic species can often be purchased.
Palms Surround the Mobile Alabama History MuseumPalms around the Mobile Alabama History Museum property.
Photo: Emma Lamm of The Bama Buzz

Maintenance & Care for Palm Trees in Alabama

Special care for your palm is next.

Most palms love a sunny spot, but not all. Water Your Palm regularly according to species' needs, in well-draining soil. Most Palms Are Easy-Care when established.

It's best to look your palm over carefully every few weeks. To get right on top of any Palm Problems that come about. All reasons why it's best to know YOUR palm.

For success when planting palm trees in Alabama.

Palms along the edge of a home on Dauphin Island AlabamaExamples of knowing the best palm trees for Alabama. And knowing their proper care.
In Dauphin Island, two palms doing fine, but 2 others have died.

Travel to Best Places to View Palm Trees in Alabama

It might be helpful to drive around the state of Alabama.

Note the palm species you see. And how well they're doing. Envision how those viewed will look in your landscape.

Places to visit first are coastal areas near Mobile. Where the climate is perfect for these lush tropical plants. Gulf Shores and Orange Beach are areas for stunning waterfront views. You'll note the palm tree backdrop all around.

Multiple homes along a street with palms growing out frontPalms Decorate a Neighborhood in Gulf Shores AL

Takeaways for Palm Trees in Alabama

Planting palms in your Alabama home landscape can bring landscape aesthetics from pleasant to WOW!

Are you now prepared ready to get moving on that Alabama palm tree? Palm trees in Alabama are a fabulous choice! With your well-chosen palm planted well, you'll give it appropriate care.

And have your own favorite personal, tropical oasis garden area. 

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