Fast Growing Palm Trees - Your Guide

Fast growing palm trees can more quickly help you get that backyard tropical look you've wanted.

Have you wondered how fast do palms grow? The overall growth rate of palms is not that fast. For most palm tree species. That's why we've listed for you those with quick growth.

But the best ones for you will depend on some local conditions. See which palm trees grow the fastest for you. Plus basic tips on how to care for them.






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Prequel to Choosing Fast-Growing Palm Trees

It's best to check on several local conditions before growing palm trees. To see which species of palm is right for your individual climate.

Various factors affect the lowest temperatures Different Palm Species can tolerate. You'll want to have the USDA Hardiness info for Your Own Growing Zone in mind.

Choose your fast growing palm trees accordingly. So your new palm will be successful & grow well in your environment. Once you know that, move along to specifics of your own property.

Test Your Own Soil pH for Good Palm Growth

Another to check on, is your property's soil conditions.

The pH level is very, very important. Palms can't use most Needed Soil Nutrients if the pH is too high (alkaline). Ideally soil pH should be from 6.0 to 7.0. That's slightly acidic.

pH scale with examples

Testing the soil exactly where you'll be planting your fast-growing palm tree is a good idea. A different area on your property can have an entirely different pH level.

We recommend that the best idea for U.S. soil testing is with Your Local Extension Service. Their report will be most accurate & reliable. They typically charge a fee.

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We personally haven't tried other DIY Soil Test Methods, but you may think they're worth a try.

Here's a simple example of a DIY method to use at home with easily obtained ingredients. In fact, you may already have them on hand!

How Soil Conditions & Types Guide Palms Growth

Man scooping up loamy soil into his hands

Soil conditions also play a role for successful growth.

Nearly all palm trees prefer well-drained soil. With that, most palms are pretty adaptable to many soil mixtures.

  • Sandy soil drains water quickly. You may need to add some organic matter.
  • Loamy soils drain water moderately. Excellent for many palms.
  • Clay soils are soggiest of all. Planting a fast growing palm in that could cause Problems for Your Palm. Best to add Rich Soil Organics that promote good drainage.
Diagram of a Soil Pie ChartOverall Make-up of Soils

Anticipate The Growth For Palm Tree Needs

Be sure to know your palm's maximum height. It can get way up there! With a crown that spreads thickly outward.

Your Advance Landscape Planning helps deciding on your chosen palm. Do you have the outdoor space for them? Will the mature height impact any windows?

This Helps With Planning>

Choose Your Fast Growing Palm Tree Species

Even though we're calling these fast growing palm trees, ideal conditions are generally needed for rapid growth.

Check out these palms that grow quickly, arranged by approximate height.

Small Fast Growing Palms for Landscaping

The maximum height for small, fast growing palm trees is about 20ft/6m or less. Many don't have wide crowns of Palm Fronds.

The popular Pygmy Date Palm Tree for you?

Phoenix roebelinii, the Miniature Date Palm gets about 15ft/4.5m high. Best for quickest growth in rainier climates of zones 9b-11.

  • Nice looker, needs lavish watering.
  • Ensure rich soil with good drainage.
Miniature Date Palm Growing in a botanical gardenAt the Else Kientzler Botanical Garden, Sarchi Norte, Costa Rica

Hardy Mediterranean Fan Palms Can Speed Up Growth

Chamaerops humilis, called European Fan Palm. They're fast growing cold hardy palms, for Zones 8b-11. Arid 8a okay, too. Doesn't like humidity.

  • Maximum height of 20ft/6m, & spreads out.
  • Even with low water requirements, faster growth with more watering. As long as they're in well-drained soil.
Chamaerops humilis, commonly called Mediterranean Palm(Credit: CER amalho)
Mediterranean Fan - Water More for Fast Growing Palm Trees

Moderately Sized Fast Growing Palm Trees 

Normal heights reach over 20ft/6m up to 59ft/17m. Total height depends on the palm species & the care you provide.

How do Alexandra Palm Trees Grow Fast?

Or the Alexandra King Palm. Archotophoenix alexandrae grows between 30-50ft/9-15m. Best in 10b-11. 10a with wet winters okay.

  • Give it ideal conditions for fast growth. Loves plentiful watering.
  • Touchy when transplanted, recommend expert help. Or Grow Them From Seed.
  • Excellent fast growing palm tree for Australia.

Growing The Popular Foxtail Palm Tree

Wodyetia bifurcata reaches 40-60ft/12-18m tall. Ideal for Zones 10b-11. Try cautiously in 10a.

  • Seedlings grow less quickly, but afterwards speed up lots.
  • Likes regular adequate water.

How a Bangalow Palm Tree Grows Fastest

AKA King Palm, scientifically named Archontophoenix cunninghamiana. Maximum height is 50ft/15m. Suited as fast growing palm trees in coastal type Mediterranean climates.

Quick Growing for a Palm Tree: The Areca catechu

Commonly called Betal Nut Palm, it gets from 50ft/15m to 75ft/22.5m. Only desirable for USDA Growing Zone 11. Borderline in 10a.

How a Carpentaria Palm Tree Quickly Gets A Nice Height

Carpentaria acuminata, the Carpy, maxes out at 50ft/15m. Growing Zone 10b-11, but 10a can be carefully tried. 

  • The crownshaft means low-maintenance!
  • Loves lots of water, not minding soggy feet. 

Ribbon Fan Palm Tree With Tall Growth Tendencies!

The Livistona decora has been called: Livistona decipiens. Fine in Climate Zones 9-11. Cautiously, 8b works if low temps stay above 20F/-6.7C. Good as fast growing palms in Florida, Texas, Arizona & California.

  • Gets from 50-70ft/15-21m.
  • Fast growing palm with regular watering.
  1. To tamp down its height, decrease watering when nearing your desired height. It tolerates less moisture.

Queen Palm Tree - Popular Types of Landscape Royalty

Syagrus romanzoffiana is a nice addition to landscapes. Preferred in Zones 9b-11. Some have had success in 8b & 9a.

  • Height ranges from 45ft/13.5m minimum to over 60ft/18m.
  • Prefers consistent watering in humus filled soil, with a Fertilizing Plan.
Syagrus romanzoffian Palms along a roadway in Lauquen ArgentinaAaargh!! Queen Palms All Along a Roadway
Sadly They've All Been Way Over-Pruned!

Tall Fast Growing Palm Tree for Your Garden

Be sure to have room when Growing Palm Trees this tall! Allow for their mature height, which is over 60ft/18m high. Generally they'll also have massive crowns, which spread outward.

Joannis Palm Tree Likes Sunny Landscapes for Fastest Growth

Veitchia joannis is definitely one of the tallest palms. Can get to 120ft/30m! In 10b-11 Zones. 

  • Reminiscent of Coconut Palms. Has high water & full sun needs.
  • Somewhat slow growing until past its juvenile years. Then gets really quick.

Montgomery or Sunshine Palm

Another in the Veitchia genus starts the sapling at medium growth speed. Then fast growth until reaching old age, when it again slows down. Well, people often can understand that!

  • It's got the scientific name, Veitchia arecina.

Look Up At The Fast Growing Mexican Fan Palm Tree

Washingtonia robusta is fetching with fan-shaped fronds.

  • That highly lanky Palm Around Los Angeles. Zones 9b-11, but can try 9a.
  • Wait on seedling stage completion for fast growth. Getting to 100ft/30m tall.

Other Types of Fastest Growing Palm Trees

Evaluate these to see how does a palm tree grow fast for your own climate & residential landscape needs.

  • Windmill Palm Trees - Trachycarpus fortunei are cold hardy palm trees. Zones 7b-11, sometimes 7a. Ranges 25-50ft/7.5-15m upward.
  • Mule Palms - The xButyagrus nabonnandii is a Queen & Pindo hybrid. If its mom is a Queen, it's fastest growing.
  • Pindo Palm - Butia capitata, called Jelly Palm for its sweet, edible fruit. Maximum height of 35ft/10.5m. Best in 9-11 zones. 8 works in Mediterranean climes.

Planting & Caring for Fast Growing Palm Trees

Even with a fast-growing tree, different types of palm species have exact requirements. Fast growing palm trees need the right plant in the right place. For sunlight needs, soil preferences, etc.

  • Tropical climate? Plant your palm in any season.
  • Subtropical or temperate zone? Plant in spring, summer or autumn. Definitely not in winter.
  • See more tips at Planting a Palm.

Preventative Care for All Types of Palm Trees

After establishment make a point to look your palm over weekly.

Watch for Signs of Palm Problems. If you see something that looks not quite right, your local extension services usually offers free advice to get you started.

You could also contact personnel who are experts in Palm Tree Growing.

Takeaways for Fast Growing Palm Trees

You've seen how fast growing palm trees can work for you. Have you figured out your best choice for fitting for landscape? Are you interested in fast growing cold hard palms?

You've gotten a good overview of the right way to plant your palm. And thereafter the best care for good palm health. You'll love watching it grow quickly!

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