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Remembering Maui Before the Devastating Fire

by Shannon
(Tucson Arizona)

Sunset from Kimo's, iconic Restaurant in Lahaina Maui

Sunset from Kimo's, iconic Restaurant in Lahaina Maui

I lived in Hawaii for about 5 years when I was first married and my husband was in the Army, stationed at Scofield Barracks on Oahu. It was a hectic time, with our 4 children - all girls. But also a very fun time. We'd moved to Hawaii from Tucson Arizona, specifically for hubby's stint in the army. In doing that we had to move away from family in Tucson.

The benefit to my parents, is that they began visiting Hawaii on a regular basis. They wanted to see their grandchildren as they were living their Hawaiian life. They would visit at least once a year, and staying about a week. We always welcomed their visit. And we would sometimes plan a trip to another island for us all. For instance, the military provides cabins on the Big Island of Hawaii for soldiers and their family to secure a trip there. We did that one year.

But a very memorable time was when we went for a five-day stay in Lahaina Maui. We took in all the local sights, the old town area with its historic areas. With a lighthouse, and other waterfront areas to enjoy. One evening we reserved a water sunset view in the iconic Kimo's Restaurant. We all had a delicious meal while loving the views out over the adjacent water. Especially as the sun was setting.

It was so heart rending when those fires swept through Lahaina. So very sad. Kimo's Restaurant was totally destroyed, fully burnt down. We saw on their Facebook Page that they had the full intention of rebuilding and reopening. And I see now that has happened!

And yes, one of my favorite memories is our family dinner there, along with viewing the fabulous sunset from Kimo's Restaurant.

Note in that photo that I've posted, on the left is a bright spot. When I first viewed it, I thought it looked like Aladdin coming out of his magic lamp! 😁😉 - But what it actually is, is the flame coming out of a tiki torch out on the channel-side patio.

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Jul 18, 2024
Excellent Pre-Lahaina Maui Fire
by: Karen

Thanks for your picture, along with your description of how it came about. We appreciate your contribution.

You can now show it to all your friends, as you've built your own page on our website. We thank you very much!

And BTW, yes we've seen that Kimo's Lahaina Maui has definitely reopened! Located at 845 Front Street.

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